A Page of Mitchell Charity's


After a few years as asst. group leader of the MIT Laboratory of Computer Science Library2000 group with Professor Saltzer (system architecture of digital libraries), I am taking a break to work on my own projects, and doing some consulting on the side.

Two themes of my current work are making cases for permeating K-college education with a order-of-magnitude, system-oriented perspective; and for various ideas on program development environments. While still doing some little digital library / global information infrastructure work, it is not currently a major focus.

The purpose of this site is to expose various little projects which others have expressed interest in.
It is rather primitive and raw.

These url's, while not subject to gratuitous change, may break in a month or few if I move to another provider.

Mitchell N Charity mcharity@lcs.mit.edu
This server is run by TIAC. I have mixed feelings about that.

Site history:
1996.Dec.26  Added brief & rough description of site and myself.
1996.Dec.20  Most recent change to Musings.
1996.Nov.17  Empty Musings created.
1996.Nov.02  Initial page customization.
1996.Oct.31  Site created by TIAC.