static inline void
packstr__initialize (SV* self, int* psize, char** pptr) {
SV* self_sv; HV* self_hv; SV** psv; SV* str_ref; SV* string;
int offset = 0;
if(!SvOK(self) || !SvROK(self)) goto error;
self_sv = SvRV(self);
if(SvTYPE(self_sv) != SVt_PVHV) goto error;
self_hv = self_sv;
psv = hv_fetch(self_hv, "ppm_data", strlen("ppm_data"), 0);
if(psv == NULL) goto error;
str_ref = *psv;
if(!SvROK(str_ref)) goto error;
string = SvRV(str_ref);
if(!SvPOK(string)) goto error;
psv = hv_fetch(self_hv, "offset", strlen("offset"), 0);
if(psv == NULL) goto error;
offset = SvIV(*psv);
*pptr = SvPV(string, (*psize));
*pptr += offset;
croak("?CONTEXT?: packed_substr's INIT(obj) had difficulty with the given object.");
#define packstr_DECL(obj) int packstr__size; char* packstr__ptr;
#define packstr_INIT(obj) packstr__initialize((obj),&packstr__size,&packstr__ptr);
#define packstr__PTR packstr__ptr
#define packstr__SIZE packstr__size
#define packstr_EXTEND(sz) /* do nothing */
#define packstr_FETCH(idx) packstr__PTR[(idx)]
#define packstr_STORE(idx,val) packstr__PTR[(idx)] = (val)
#define packstr_FETCHSIZE() packstr__SIZE
#define packstr_STORESIZE(sz) croak("toy doesn't STORESIZE")
#define packstr_CLEAR() packstr_STORESIZE(0)
#define packstr_EXISTS(idx) ((idx) >= (packstr__SIZE -1) && (idx) < packstr__SIZE)
#define packstr_DELETE(idx) croak("?PACKAGE? doesn't support DELETE")
static inline void
folded__initialize (SV* self, HV** pselfhv) {
SV* self_sv;
if(!SvOK(self) || !SvROK(self)) goto error;
self_sv = SvRV(self);
if(SvTYPE(self_sv) != SVt_PVHV) goto error;
*pselfhv = self_sv;
croak("toy broken2");
#define folded_DECL(obj) HV* folded__selfhv; int folded__dims[3];\
#define folded_INIT(obj) folded__initialize((obj),&folded__selfhv);\
{ SV ** psv; IV iv;\
psv = hv_fetch(folded__selfhv, "height", strlen("height"), 0);\
if(psv == NULL) goto folded__error;\
folded__dims[0] = SvIV(*psv);\
psv = hv_fetch(folded__selfhv, "width", strlen("width"), 0);\
if(psv == NULL) goto folded__error;\
folded__dims[1] = SvIV(*psv);\
psv = hv_fetch(folded__selfhv, "depth", strlen("depth"), 0);\
if(psv == NULL) goto folded__error;\
folded__dims[2] = SvIV(*psv);\
goto folded__no_error;\
folded__error: croak("toy broken (folding shape)");\
folded__no_error: ;\
} \
#define folded_FETCH3D(i0,i1,i2) packstr_FETCH(folded__UNWRAP((i0),(i1),(i2)))
#define folded_STORE3D(i0,i1,i2,val) packstr_STORE(folded__UNWRAP((i0),(i1),(i2)),(val))
#define folded_FETCHSIZE3D(dim) (folded__dims[(dim)]+0)
#define folded__UNWRAP(i0,i1,i2) ((((i0)*(folded__dims[1]*folded__dims[2]))+((i1)*folded__dims[2])+(i2))*1)
#define DECL(obj) folded_DECL(obj)
#define INIT(obj) folded_INIT(obj)
#define SET_R(x,y,r) folded_STORE3D((x),(y),0,(r))
#define SET_G(x,y,g) folded_STORE3D((x),(y),1,(g))
#define SET_B(x,y,b) folded_STORE3D((x),(y),2,(b))
#define GET_R(x,y) folded_FETCH3D((x),(y),0)
#define GET_G(x,y) folded_FETCH3D((x),(y),1)
#define GET_B(x,y) folded_FETCH3D((x),(y),2)
#define HEIGHT() folded_FETCHSIZE3D(0)
#define WIDTH() folded_FETCHSIZE3D(1)
#define DEPTH() folded_FETCHSIZE3D(2)
#define SET_RGB(x,y, r,g,b) (SET_R((x),(y),(r)),SET_G((x),(y),(g)),SET_B((x),(y),(b)))
#define POINTS_OF_LINE(x1, y1, x2, y2)\
Just another 2D Bresenham line walker.\
arguments: int x1, y1, x2, y2\
requires: Point(int x, y) (a proceedure or macro)\
Calls Point(x,y) for each point on the line.\
From DigitalLine.c, Paul Heckbert,\
"Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990\
int d, x, y, ax, ay, sx, sy, dx, dy;\
dx = x2-x1; ax = (dx>=0?dx:-dx)<<1; sx = (dx>=0?1:-1);\
dy = y2-y1; ay = (dy>=0?dy:-dy)<<1; sy = (dy>=0?1:-1);\
x = x1;\
y = y1;\
if (ax>ay) { /* x dominant */\
d = ay-(ax>>1);\
for (;;) {\
{ Point(x, y); }\
if (x==x2) return;\
if (d>=0) {\
y += sy;\
d -= ax;\
x += sx;\
d += ay;\
else { /* y dominant */\
d = ax-(ay>>1);\
for (;;) {\
{ Point(x, y); }\
if (y==y2) return;\
if (d>=0) {\
x += sx;\
d -= ay;\
y += sy;\
d += ax;\
void draw_line (SV* self,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int r, int g, int b)
# define Point(x,y) SET_RGB(x,y, r,g,b)
POINTS_OF_LINE(x1, y1, x2, y2);
Generated by GNU enscript 1.6.1.